5 Ways To Retain Customers For Your Small Business


Starting a small business is no easy feat. While it’s an accomplishment in and of itself to get a team together, you’ll want to make sure your small business continues to grow. You’ll want to retain customers by thinking of innovative ways to improve your product or services to satisfy their needs. Here are a few ways to improve customer retention for your small business:


  1. Advertise locally

When you’re thinking of a marketing campaign, a small business should always focus on advertising locally. You may think that this does not apply if you sell products or services in multiples cities, but it’s better to conduct localized ad campaigns in each city rather than taking a national approach. A national approach is more expensive and may not earn you as many passionate customers who will want to stick around.


2) Train your employees to do customer support

There is no one better to explain your service or sell your product than your employees. Make sure you train your employees properly so that they can speak to any potential consumers about your product or service. Make sure they’re aware of what information they should share and when they should ask a manager to give the answer. Make sure you put happy, friendly and helpful employees in customer-facing positions. If a customer has a bad experience with one of your employees, that customer can quickly spread that information to friends and family and your business’ image could suffer.


3) Offer loyalty programs

You don’t just want one-time customers; you want the customers to become regulars. Regular customers deserve to be treated a little differently than people who only patronize your business on occasion. If you offer regulars something that is only available to top customers, you can build the relationship with them and strengthen their confidence in doing business with you. These top customers will likely tell other people they know about their status, which will lead to more interest in the loyalty program. Offer special deals if they refer family or friends in order to further increase interest in the program.


4) Monitor consumer data

It’s important that you keep tabs on what is working and what isn’t. Use data that your consumers provide to send promotions and offers via email or postal mail. When your business grows, you may be able to hire a marketer or a consultant who can analyze the demographics behind the consumer data. If you can’t afford a consultant, make sure you’re keeping an eye on target audience indicators, which can inform your advertising campaigns and the way you do business.


5) Ask your customers questions

The only way to be sure of your customers’ wants and need is to ask them. Survey your customers about the product or service you have provided. Also ask what they hope to obtain from your business. This can help you take a critical look at your business plan and customer service. When you ask them to fill out this survey, tell them the survey is based on their needs. It’s also a good idea to offer a promotion as an incentive. You will have much better customer service if you’re aware what your customers are in the market for.


Expanding a small business can be tricky. Many businesses have trouble holding onto customers and fail as a result. But with this these tips, you’ll be able to keep customers and help your company grow.