Many people with good ideas have businesses that fail simply because they choose the wrong legal structure. Choosing a right legal structure is one of the most important decisions you can make in a company. This decision affects how much you pay in taxes, as well as the amount of paperwork your business will need to do. It also… Read more →
Tag: entrepreneurs
International Entrepreneurs: Forbes’ Billionaire List
Each year, Forbes publishes a list of the world’s billionaires. In 2016, this list comprised 1,810 people. What is interesting to see is all the international billionaires on the list. Here are a few of them. Bernie Ecclestone Bernie Ecclestone the chief executive for Formula 1. Hailing from Suffolk, England, he oversees the prominent racing series. Born the son… Read more →
Business Plan Essentials
Every business must start with the strongest of documents: a solid business plan. A business plan is crucial to success because it lays the foundation for the businesses practices, procedures, vision for the future and financial sustainability. Any business that does not have a business plan is more likely to experience rocky and troubling times, versus a business that is… Read more →
Essential Reading for Entrepreneurs
There are a ton of reading lists for entrepreneurs on the internet. Many of them deal with topics ranging from vision and spirit to marketing and wealth management. All of these lists claim to be the best and most influential, although many of the titles overlap. The practice of reading essential for the successful entrepreneur. That is why these lists… Read more →
Characteristics of a Successful Entrepreneur: Part 2
A successful entrepreneur is a multi faceted individual. In part 1 of this two part post, we introduced some of the characteristics that make an entrepreneur successful. Here in part 2, we will continue that discussion with some more of the personality traits that do the same. 1. Master the art of negotiations. Successful entrepreneurs are master negotiators. They know… Read more →
Crowdfunding 101 for small businesses
Finding the funding necessary for new businesses can be a daunting task. Obtaining capital for a venture is one of the biggest challenges that startups have. This is where the practice of crowdfunding can be a huge help to small businesses. Fundable describes crowdfunding this way: Crowdfunding is a method of raising capital through the collective effort of friends, family,… Read more →
Successful Entrepreneurs: Part 1
Regardless of your definition of success, there are, oddly enough, a great number of common characteristics that are shared by successful businesspeople. Even if you don’t have all of these characteristics, you do not need to be worried. Most, if not all, can be learned overtime. Make them the goal that you reach for and it can almost be guaranteed that… Read more →